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Monday, December 31, 2012
NASA's Curiosity Rover Has a Special Message for You This New Year
A brave new world ahead for machine-to-machine communications ...
By Mike Wereschagin
Published: Saturday, December 29, 2012, 10:34?p.m.
Updated 7 hours ago
There?s another Internet on the way, and you?re not invited to take part.
Direct, online machine-to-machine communication could transform industry in the next 10 years, much in the way that online person-to-person connections transformed retail and social networking, executives and entrepreneurs predict.
This industrial Internet, sometimes called the ?Internet of things? or the ?Internet of everything,? could allow jet engines to monitor themselves and request maintenance before they break, or a locomotive to process geography and train schedules to pick the perfect speed for a cross-country journey.
According to General Electric, one of the world?s largest manufacturers, the efficiencies could be worth as much as $15 trillion to the global economy ? or about as much as the gross domestic product of the United States.
?The music industry, the book industry, retail have been foundationally changed because of the Internet and software,? said Bill Ruh, vice president of GE?s software division. ?What we see happening now is those Internet-based technologies are having the same disruptive effect on industry.?
Fix it before it breaks
Already it fundamentally changed the way one North Fayette manufacturer does business.
Industrial Scientific began making gas detectors in 1985. In 1999, it gambled on the burgeoning online market and established iNet, a computer system for customers to calibrate and maintain the detectors.
That experiment became a business model.
?We now have about 70,000 instruments in 21 countries on the iNet platform,? said Justin McElhattan, the company?s CEO. ?We?ve basically turned our company inside-out.?
Customers buy the device and subscribe to iNet. At the end of a workday, workers put the detectors into docks to charge batteries and send information to a data center.
The volume of data and ability to process it distinguishes the industrial Internet from the more-familiar consumer Internet, and companies are only beginning to figure out what to do with this vast trove of information.
Industrial Scientific added a software division to analyze iNet?s data. McElhattan believes it can predict for a customer when something is about to go wrong.
The company?s data center can calibrate and run diagnostic checks on the gas detectors and if one appears ready to break, it can send a replacement before it fails. That potential ? to make the aphorism ?if it isn?t broke, don?t fix it? obsolete ? prompted McElhattan to set a lofty goal.
?We?re dedicating our careers to eliminating death on the job this century,? McElhattan said, by flagging companies when something could cause an injury.
Small tweaks, big savings
The technology could save trillions of dollars in the meantime.
Among GE?s forays into the industrial Internet is a trip optimizer for locomotives.
The system allows trains to connect to a rail system network. An onboard computer analyzes GPS data about terrain and the location, direction and speed of other trains. With this information, the train can use downhill stretches to accelerate and plan its cruising speed so it won?t have to stop for other trains.
?We could end up saving anywhere from 2 (percent) to 10 percent of fuel ... on that locomotive,? said Ruh.
Another system connects wind turbines, allowing their computers to measure wind speed and direction and share that information. The windmills ?begin to work together,? tweaking their direction. Power generation in some wind farms increased as much as 10 percent, Ruh said.
Even small savings can add up. Airlines could earn $3 billion by saving 1 percent of fuel costs through more efficient operation, Ruh said.
In an industry that made $7 billion last year, that would be a 40 percent increase in profit.
Improving health care
What works for machines might work for human bodies. Technology startups such as San Francisco-based Fitbit and Oakland-based PHRQL allow people to use watch-size devices and mobile phones to monitor, transmit and analyze data about their bodies and behavior.
People with diabetes, for example, can use PHRQL?s software to send health care providers information about meals or trips to the gym, enabling them to monitor their health in real time instead of waiting until a doctor?s appointment.
The technology gives them access to a social network of people with the disease, said Jeevan Pendli, one of PHRQL?s founders.
PHRQL found that diabetics who take advantage of information from peers controlled the disease better than loners.
?They connect with each other and make friends with each other and share their pains, and share how they?ve overcome some situations,? Pendli said.
The country spends $2.8 trillion on health care, a figure that could double in five years, Pendli said. Manageable, preventable chronic diseases drive that increase more than anything else, he said.
Ruh predicts this model of real-time, online health care will become as commonplace as shopping online.
Security concerns
As with any system, however, the larger and more connected it gets, the more dangerous it can become.
A tech-savvy burglar could mine data from appliances sharing information about their use online and determine when a homeowner is away. A fully-connected field of wind turbines could allow a hacker to sabotage an entire wind farm.
Such concerns must be dealt with, Ruh said, because the marriage of the industrial and Internet revolutions is inevitable.
With potential to save trillions of dollars, Ruh said, ?It?s not like you can stop this.?
Mike Wereschagin is a staff writer for Trib Total Media. He can be reached at 412-320-7900 or
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Cosmic Religions for Space Colonization
I recommend watching the one-hour film Knocking on Heaven?s Door, by George Carey, aired by the BBC in 2011, to all space enthusiasts interested in the history of the Russian space program and our future out there in the universe. The film zeroes in on the powerful role that religion can play in advancing radical scientific visions.
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, the father of the Russian space program, was a brilliant scientist and engineer, but his motivation and drive came from his philosophical convictions, his belief in humanity?s destiny to leave the Earth and colonize the universe, and his vision of a deep unity between man and the cosmos.
The real protagonist of Carey?s film is Tsiolkovsky?s mentor, Nikolai Fedorov, who taught that science would make us immortal. The film shows how the Russian space program was strongly inspired by Cosmist philosophers and mystics, who believed that we should evolve into super-humans who could leave our overcrowded planet to colonize the universe. I recently talked to Carey about this film and related projects ? he said that he researched Cosmism as a neutral observer who reports what he finds, but I think the film shows that he liked what he found.
Some reprehensible pirates tell me that Carey?s Knocking on Heaven?s Door is easy to find on the Torrent networks. There is also a streaming version on Vimeo.
Fedorov suggested that science was a tool given to us by God to enable us to resurrect the dead and, as promised, enjoy immortal life. He added that because the Earth could not sustain a population that never died, we must first learn to conquer space. His ideas about human evolution, and in particular the idea that humans should take control of the process and direct it towards their own goals, inspired generations of Russian scientists and led directly to contemporary transhumanism. See also this interesting review and discussion?of Fedorov?s ideas on Charlie Stross? blog.
Carey?s film captures the popular enthusiasm for space in the Soviet Union of the 60s. We had the same enthusiasm in the West at the time, and God knows we could use it now, all over the planet. I think contemporary versions of Cosmist philosophy could renew our enthusiasm and drive for space.
One problem is that Cosmism not only sounds like religion, but was actually a spinoff of Russian Orthodox Christianity. This may upset those space enthusiasts who are also militant atheists but, as recently noted by Charlie Jane Anders on io9, smug atheists should read more science fiction. ?A lot of the best science fiction is intensely ?cosmic,? conveying just how huge and unknowable the universe is, and how little we still understand it,? says Anders. ?In a sense, the huge cosmic imagery of science fiction resembles some of the best religious paintings.?
I think atheists are right when they point an accusing finger to the many evil things done by organized religions. But I believe that evil does not come from the honest, heartfelt faith of believers, who have the right to pursue happiness, and are often nice and compassionate persons. Evil, in religion like everywhere else, comes from evil persons with power over others.
Cosmism is not religion in a conventional sense, but highly imaginative science. Richard Dawkins (yes, Dawkins, the leading atheist thinker) thinks that it?s highly plausible that in the universe there are God-like creatures. In The God Delusion, he writes: ?Whether we ever get to know them or not, there are very probably alien civilizations that are superhuman, to the point of being god-like in ways that exceed anything a theologian could possibly imagine.?
In total agreement with Dawkins, I am persuaded that ?future magic? technologies will permit achieving, by scientific means, most of the promises of religions ? and many amazing things that no human religion ever dreamed. If there are God-like beings in the universe, I think we should go and meet them out there, and try to become God-like beings ourselves.
Sociologist William Sims Bainbridge, NSF program manager and editor of the first NBIC Converging Technologies report, thinks that religion of a certain kind was instrumental in the rise of science and modern technology, and that religion of a certain kind will be instrumental in our expansion to the stars. In a 2009 paper on Religion for a Galactic Civilization, he writes:
?Progress in spaceflight technology has halted at a level that is insufficient for colonization of the solar system, let alone for voyages to the stars? We need a new definition of spaceflight that will energize investment and innovation. I suggest a return to the traditional view: The heavens are a sacred realm, that we should enter in order to transcend death.?
?To become fully interplanetary, let alone interstellar, our society would need another leap?and it needs that leap very soon before world culture ossifies into secure uniformity, or decays into absolute chaos. We need a new spaceflight social movement capable of giving a sense of transcendent purpose to dominant sectors of the society.
?Religion will continue to influence the course of progress, and creation of a galactic civilization may depend upon the emergence of a galactic religion capable of motivating society for the centuries required to accomplish that great project. This religion would be a very demanding social movement, and will require extreme discipline from its members, so for purposes of this essay I will call it The Cosmic Order.
?It is wrong to feel that irrational religion must always be a hindrance to progress. I have suggested that only a transcendent, impractical, radical religion can take us to the stars. The alternative is one or another form of ugly death. A successful outcome depends on a kind of lucky insanity, and it is quite unlikely. But for our species, at least it is still possible.?
In my article Uploaded e-crews for interstellar missions on KurzweilAI, republished by io9 as Why we should send uploaded astronauts on interstellar missions, I propose a strategy for cost-effective interstellar missions: to do without the wetware bodies of the crew, and send only their minds to the stars, their software, uploaded to advanced ?computronium? circuitry in miniature starships. This will be a step in the right direction, because it seems likely that biological intelligence is only a transitory phenomenon, and advanced civilizations among the stars are probably post-biological in nature.
Bainbridge agrees. At a space policy symposium in 2001, he said that the gradual merging of human beings with their computers over the next century gives rise to the prospect of interstellar immortality. Then he teamed up with polymath genius Martine Rothblatt, a very successful space and biotechnology entrepreneur and a relentless advocate of the rights of transgendered persons, to develop the Bainbridge-Rothblatt ?mindfile? approach to mind uploading.
?A mindfile is the sum of saved digital reflections about you,? says Martine Rothblatt. ?All of the stored emails, chats, texts, IMs and blogs that you write are part of your mindfile. All of the uploaded photos, slide shows and movies that involve you are part of your mindfile. Your search histories, clicked selections and online purchases, if saved, are part of your mindfile. Your digital life is your mindfile.? Rothblatt believes that?future AI technology will be able to merge the information stored in the mindfile with ?human firmware,? a generic model of a human mind, and bring you back to life.
Rothblatt?s LifeNaut and CyBeRev websites offer a growing array of services for the creation and storage of mindfiles, based on Bainbridge?s research on personality capture. I have strong reservations on the practical possibility to capture enough of a personality with today?s slow interfaces, but future brain scanning and BCI technologies will permit a much faster capture of memories, thoughts and feelings, and I can imagine how future AI technology may be able to patch incomplete information.
Rothblatt founded Terasem, a scientific religion strongly reminiscent of Fedorov?s Cosmism and Bainbridge?s Cosmic Order, to advance space colonization and ?soft uploading? via mindfiles. One of the services of Terasem is beaming mindfiles to space in the hope that advanced civilizations, Dawkins? God-like super aliens, may one day decode them and bring them back to life, much like a police sketch artist creates a realistic photo from a few clues. The same technology will be used by our descendants to beam uploaded astronauts to stellar colonies and starships.
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What Was Your Biggest Accomplishment of 2012?
With 2012 coming to a close and everyone reminiscing on the year, we want to know: what was your biggest accomplishment of 2012?
Everyone's idea of a big accomplishment is a little different, but whether you finally built that home server, or you negotiated a $30,000 raise, we're sure you've done something amazing this year. So, let's hear your biggest accomplishment from the year, and how you managed to pull it off.
Photo by Rahim Sonawalla.
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How Neuroscientists Observe Brains Watching Movies
Image: Todd Davidson/Stock Illustration Source
How does a Venus flytrap know when to snap shut? Can it actually feel an insect?s tiny, spindly legs? And how do cherry blossoms know when to bloom? Can they...
Read More??
Unless you have been deaf and blind to the world over the past decade, you know that functional magnetic resonance brain imaging (fMRI) can look inside the skull of volunteers lying still inside the claustrophobic, coffinlike confines of a loud, banging magnetic scanner. The technique relies on a fortuitous property of the blood supply to reveal regional activity. Active synapses and neurons consume power and therefore need more oxygen, which is delivered by the hemoglobin molecules inside the circulating red blood cells. When these molecules give off their oxygen to the surrounding tissue, they not only change color?from arterial red to venous blue?but also turn slightly magnetic.
Activity in neural tissue causes an increase in the volume and flow of fresh blood. This change in the blood supply, called the hemodynamic signal, is tracked by sending radio waves into the skull and carefully listening to their return echoes. FMRI does not directly measure synaptic and neuronal activity, which occurs over the course of milliseconds; instead it uses a relatively sluggish proxy?changes in the blood supply?that rises and falls in seconds. The spatial resolution of fMRI is currently limited to a volume element (voxel) the size of a pea, encompassing about one million nerve cells.
Neuroscientists routinely exploit fMRI to infer what volunteers are seeing, imagining or intending to do. It is really a primitive form of mind reading. Now a team has taken that reading to a new, startling level.
A number of groups have deduced the identity of pictures viewed by volunteers while lying in the magnet scanner from the slew of map?like representations found in primary, secondary and higher-order visual cortical regions underneath the bump on the back of the head.
Jack L. Gallant of the University of California, Berkeley, is the acknowledged master of these techniques, which proceed in two stages. First, a volunteer looks at a couple of thousand images while lying in a magnet. The response of a few hundred voxels in the visual cortex to each image is carefully registered. These data are then used to train an algorithm to predict the magnitude of the fMRI response for each voxel. Second, this procedure is inverted. That is, for a given magnitude of hemodynamic response, a probabilistic technique called Bayesian decoding infers the most likely image that gave rise to the observed response in that particular volunteer (human brains differ substantially, so it is difficult to use one brain to predict the responses of another).
The best of these techniques exploit preexisting, or prior, knowledge about pictures that could have been seen before. The number of mathematically possible images is vast, but the types of actual scenes that are encountered in a world populated by people, animals, trees, buildings and other objects encompass a tiny fraction of all possible images. Appropriately enough, the images that we usually encounter are called natural images. Using a database of six million natural images, Gallant?s group showed in 2009 how brain responses of volunteers to photographs they had not previously encountered could be reconstructed.
From Images to Movies
These reconstructions are surprisingly good, even though they are based on the smudged activity of hundreds of thousands of highly diverse nerve cells, each one firing to different aspects of the image?its local intensity, color, shading, texture, and so on. A further limitation I have already alluded to is the 1,000-fold mismatch between the celerity of neuronal signals and the sedate pace at which the fMRI signal rises and falls.
Yet Gallant?s group fearlessly pushed on and applied Bayesian reconstruction techniques to the conceptually and computationally much more demanding problem of spatiotemporal reconstruction.
Three members of the group each watched about two hours? worth of short takes from various Hollywood movies. These data were used to train a separate encoding model for each voxel. The first part of the model consisted of a bank of neural filters. These filters are based on the cumulative research that has been conducted over two decades into the way nerve cells in the visual cortex in people and monkeys respond to seeing visual stimuli with varying positions, size, motion and speed. The second part of the model coupled these neuronal filters to the blood vasculature, describing how the neuronal activity is reflected in much slower fMRI signals.
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Senate approves Baer to head Justice Department's antitrust team
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Sunday approved prominent antitrust attorney William Baer to head the Justice Department's Antitrust Division 10 months after he was tapped by President Barack Obama.
The Senate voted 64-26 to approve Baer's nomination, which ran into problems with some Republicans because of secret information in an FBI background report.
Baer, an antitrust and white collar criminal defense attorney with the law firm Arnold & Porter LLP, has worked in the past for the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
"Bill is a highly-skilled and well-respected antitrust lawyer who understands the importance of promoting competition in order for consumers to reap the benefits of lower prices and better quality products and services," Attorney General Eric Holder said in a statement welcoming the Senate vote.
The Justice Department's Antitrust Division, along with the FTC, reviews mergers to ensure they comply with antitrust law and prosecutes price-fixing and other antitrust violations.
Baer first joined FTC as a young attorney just out of law school and returned later to head its antitrust office.
At his confirmation hearing in July, Baer urged careful monitoring of powerful companies willing to flex their muscles to push aside rivals.
Obama nominated Baer in February to fill the post vacated by Christine Varney in mid-2011. James Wayland most recently served as acting head of the Antitrust Division, but left in November.
The Senate Judiciary Committee approved the nomination in September on a 12-5 vote, with the panel's top Republican, Mike Lee of Utah, joining the Democratic majority in support.
But Senator Charles Grassley, an Iowa Republican, said during that meeting he opposed Baer's nomination for reasons that he could not give in an open session.
Grassley and 25 other Republicans voted against Baer on Sunday while 14 Republicans voted for him.
(Reporting By Doug Palmer; Editing by Eric Walsh)
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What to Watch New Year's Weekend: Your Guide to 10 Specials, a Fierce Football Finale and More
Well before and right up until the ball drops on New Year?s Eve, there is TV to be had as you prepare to bid adieu to 2-0-1-2. There?s a serious face-off in the Sunday Night Football season finale, a fresh slab of bacon-themed programming, a Herculean marathon and then countdown specials for every stripe of viewer out there. Here are the programs we have singled out, in 10?! 9?! 8?! 7?.
7:30 pm Call the Midwife Holiday Special (PBS) | In this 90-minute episode, Nurse Jenny Lee tries to find the children of an elderly vagrant and Chummy plans an ambitious nativity play.
8:20 pm Sunday Night Football (NBC) | The franchise?s 26th season heads for the end zone as the Cowboys ? who need to win to play in the postseason ? visit the Redskins.
10 pm United States of Bacon (Destination America) | Chef Todd Fisher tackles another kind of pigskin in this new series, as he traverses America in search of the most mouth-watering, sensory-overloading bacon creations out there.
10 pm How It?s Made (Science) | What will be the 1,000th product demystified during this momentous episode: cycling shoes, yurts, marine plywood or encaustic paint? (And do I have to know what encaustic paint is before I find out how it?s created?)
8 pm ? 6 am Hercules: The Legendary Journeys marathon (The Hub) | If your 2012 just didn?t have enough Kevin Sorbo in it, make up for lost time with 10 back-to-back episodes of the fantasy-action series.
8 pm New Year?s Rockin? Eve Celebrates Dick Clark (ABC) | In this two-hour preface to ABC?s countdown show, Fergie of the Black Eyed Peas and Love in the Wild?s Jenny McCarthy look at the career of the legendary TV producer and personality, who passed away in April.
8 pm Live from Lincoln Center (PBS) | Private Practice?s Audra McDonald hosts One Singular Sensation,?The New York Philharmonic?s live tribute to Marvin Hamlisch (who, before his death in August, was scheduled to conduct the concert). Megan Hilty (Smash) and Ra?l Esparza (Law & Order: SVU) are scheduled to perform.
10 pm New Year?s Eve With Carson Daly (NBC) | Voice victor Cassadee Pope, Train and The Office?s Angela Kinsey join Daly for the annual countdown to the new year, broadcast from New York?s Times Square. (The special pauses for local news at 11 pm, then resumes at 11:30.)
10 pm Dick Clark?s New Year?s Rockin? Eve with Ryan Seacrest 2013 (ABC) | Ryan Seacrest and Jenny McCarthy bid the old year adieu from New York ? for the first time without Clark?s presence ? while Fergie leads revelers in Los Angeles. (The special pauses for local news at 11 pm, then resumes at 11:30.)
10 pm New Year?s Eve With Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin (CNN) | The title says it all. (Check out some of the duo?s greatest hits.)
11 pm New Year?s Eve Live! (Fox) |X Factor champ Tate Stevens, musical group Lifehouse, Carmen Electra (Baywatch) and host Marlon Wayans (In Living Color) lead an evening of entertainment broadcast from Las Vegas? Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino.
11 pm All-American New Year (Fox News Channel) | Pat Benatar, Sarah Brightman and the cast of the musical Million Dollar Quartet join Bill Hemmer, Megyn Kelly and other FNC personalities.
11 pm MTV?s Club NYE 2013 (MTV) | Hosts: Jersey Shore?s Jenni ?JWOWW? Farley and Money From Strangers? Jeff Dye. Performers: Ke$ha, Ne-Yo, Sean Kingston, Rita Ora and Conor Maynard. Me: Too old.
11:30 pm Eric Andre?s LIVE New Year?s Eve Spooktacular (Adult Swim) | The comedian brings in celebrity guests like X Factor?s Demi Lovato, The Apprentice?s Omarosa and Hercules? Kevin Sorbo for a classic countdown with a few twists (competitive eating, marching bands and the like).
Hit the comments with your picks from the New Year?s weekend lineup!
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Sunday, December 30, 2012
Building Your Dream Home in Mexico ? Overcoming Obstacles
Whether a?Mexico real estate owner chooses to work with a professional and communicate from a distance or not (as I discussed yesterday, and Tom and Andy have discussed previously), all owners will have to consider overcoming unexpected obstacles at some point in the process of building a home in Mexico.
Surprises and unexpected situations are a normal part of any construction process.? They could include anything from a dog deciding to take a nap in freshly poured concrete, to the price of steel suddenly tripling, to a hurricane.
These items simply have to be dealt with and the project must move ahead.? A good construction budget should allow for a certain amount of flexibility to cover unexpected circumstances.? The same is true of the timeline.
Owners having their home built will do best to take these in stride and move ahead.? The flexibility just mentioned allows this to happen most easily.? Getting frustrated or angry will not do anything to improve the situation.
A very important tip: have patience.? (This tip is especially useful when it comes to cultural/bureaucratic obstacles, which we will talk about in a later post.)
It also helps a good deal to have a clear goal in mind as to the final product and scope of the construction see Building Your Home in Mexico ? Part 1 ? Planning the Process & First Considerations); this helps the owner and builders to evaluate each obstacle in terms of the whole, and move ahead most appropriately.
Should a property owner decide to undertake a construction project overseeing the process himself, he will just need to be prepared for the fact that there will probably be a larger number of unexpected obstacles and should ?plan for the unplanned.?
While every project will encounter unexpected obstacles, the best way to deal with these is to work with an experienced construction professional.? They will have encountered many obstacles in past projects, and will avoid the most common ones, or plan to deal with them appropriately if they are beyond anyone?s control (severe weather, market prices of materials, etc.)
Their experience will also allow them to deal with entirely new situations best.
Strong communication and planning for unexpected obstacles will be key elements in making a building project in Mexico successful.
Doug Morgan was born in Dayton, Ohio and went to college at Buckeye State. Moving to Louisiana after college, he became President of his New York Stock Exchange company at the age of 28. His later career shifted to Florida and the investment business, where he was a financial advisor and branch manager for over 30 years. He bought his first condominium in Mexico in 2008 (from Top Mexico Real Estate), initially as a vacation home, but a year later he retired and moved full time to Playa del Carmen. Contact Doug at (512) 879-6546.
The TOP Mexico Real Estate Network; ?Mexico?s Leading Network of Specialists for Finding and Purchasing Mexican Properties Safely!?
Tagged as: Building your home in Mexico, Professionalism
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Woman accused of pushing man in N.Y. subway death charged with murder
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The FBI is still searching for one of two convicted bank robbers who escaped last week from a high-rise jail in downtown Chicago by lowering themselves on a makeshift rope nearly 20 stories to the street. Kenneth Conley, 38, and his cellmate, Joseph Jose Banks, 37, escaped from the Metropolitan Correctional Center early on the morning of December 18. The pair apparently broke a window in the cell they shared, squeezed through the opening and lowered themselves to the street. They then hailed a cab to make their getaway. ...
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2013 Forecast ? Tis The Season To Drink & Own Coffee -- MrSwing
Coffee prices have fallen more than 50% since 2010 which can be seen through the coffee exchange traded fund symbol: JO. This investment seeks to replicate the returns that are potentially available through an unleveraged investment in coffee futures contracts as well as the rate of interest that could be earned on cash collateral invested in specified Treasury Bills.
Weekly, Hourly and Seasonal chart of JO Coffee Exchange Traded Fund
The top weekly chart shows my price targets for 2013 while the lower hourly chart shows strong on balance volume meaning big money is slowly building a long position in coffee. The small white chart is the seasonal chart of coffee futures showing prices historically rise from Jan? ? March, then a correction followed by another rally in to May.
Coffee prices are still in a down trend but it looks as though the end is near and if played properly it could provide up to 100% return on your capital in 2013.
Coffee Futures Monthly Long Term Chart
This chart gives you a bird?s eye view on where coffee prices are trading in the big picture scheme of things.
JO Coffee ETF VS. SBUX Starbucks Share Price:
Lower coffee bean prices has helped lift share prices of coffee companies like Starbucks: SBUX, Coffee Holdings Co.: JVA, Coffee Roasters Inc.: GMCR, and PEET?s Coffee: PEET. But cheap coffee may not be around that much longer and the lower earnings for coffee brewers may be closer than most may think.
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2013 Caffeine Conclusion:
In short, I have been watching coffee prices for a bottoming pattern for months and I now feel it is getting really close to a bottom and it could be a great trade and investment in the new year. As for companies like Starbucks it will likely not have much of an affect on the bottom line until the second half of the year though it is something to keep an eye on during earning seasons.
If you want my trading and investing ideas each week along with trade alerts for ideas like this then join my newsletter today:
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Saturday, December 29, 2012
Art Insurance Losses from Hurricane Sandy May Reach $500 Million ...
Two months after Hurricane Sandy caused severe flooding in many Chelsea galleries, the bill for the art world?s recovery is shaping up to be hefty. By mid-November, AXA Art Insurance, one of the largest art insurers, estimated that it would be paying out $40 million, and a Reuters report last week quoted industry estimates suggesting that insurance losses for flooded galleries and ruined art may come to as much as $500 million ? or the rough equivalent of what the art insurance business takes in each year. That would amount to the largest loss the art world and its insurers have ever sustained.
Included in this half-billion-dollar total, Reuters reported, is a claim for losses sustained on work by the pop artist Peter Max, whose works on paper are said to have been stored in a warehouse that was flooded. Reuters, quoting unnamed sources, put the claim on Mr. Max?s work at $300 million (although Mr. Max?s Web site, unlike those of many other artists affected by Sandy, made no mention of storm-related losses as of Friday). A message left for the representative listed on Mr. Max?s Web site was not returned on Friday.
In a telephone interview on Friday, Filippo Guerrini-Maraldi, the executive director of fine art at R.K. Harrison, a London-based insurance broker whose clients include several Chelsea galleries, said that the industry-wide figure ? which he estimated at between $400 million and $500 million ? covered the physical damage to the galleries themselves as well as art losses.
?Chelsea got hit hard,? Mr. Guerrini-Maraldi said, ?and there were other consequential losses. Because many of the galleries lacked power for a while, and because it then got cold in New York, things that needed to be in a controlled environment were affected. Works on wood, for example ? we?re seeing those kinds of claims.?
The scope of the claims could have other ramifications for art dealers and insurers, including higher insurance rates. Mr. Guerrini-Maraldi guessed that the rate increases could be as much as 5 to 10 percent, reversing recent rate reductions caused by competition and rate wars in the art insurance business.
?A lot of underwriters have felt that art insurance was a good business to be writing,? Mr. Guerrini-Maraldi said, ?because it?s profitable, and because losses are rare ? although when they do happen, they can be big. Already, we?re seeing that cost reductions are out. People are holding their prices firm, and I?m convinced that we will see a rise in the coming months.?
Meanwhile, a recent visit to Chelsea suggested that gallery owners? initial estimates that the area would be fully back in business by mid-December were overly optimistic. While some street-level galleries were up and running, others were shuttered, and at several, signs posted on their doors said that only authorized workers could enter. Construction crews and gallery staff could be seen through the windows, working on walls and shelving, with no art in sight.
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Posted on December 29, 2012 by dufttuey508 in Internet
Fairly the alternative inside celebration you permit in determined pieces on the producing globe get into account world-wide-web web hosting your web site having a firm in North The us, Europe or sure intercontinental areas in Asia. Most service suppliers in building international locations have in reality confined connections to your net as they depend predominantly on satellite links. This essentially is particularly the situation for internet sites where ever tremendous quantities of information will most likely be transferred. It will even be substantially more suitable in the event the hosting provider you opt for will permit you maximize or downgrade your account anytime that you simply ought to conserve and boost your account at the same time.
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Web Design in Galway | Source of Articles
If you are an Irish business contemplating going online, you are on the right track. Here are some statistics about online shopping in Ireland:
- ?300 million online sales in Ireland
- 70% of people in Ireland used the internet in 2011
- ?1,700 is spent by the average Irish consumer in online shopping
A website is the online gateway to your business. A well-made website can attract thousands of customers to your company?s webpage translating to potential sales. If you want a nice looking website to promote your business online, you should approach a company that specializes in website design.
There are various professional companies which offer web design in galway. Such companies would service businesses nationwide. They would build all kinds of websites based on your input. Some companies would work with you after the website is built and advise you on how to improve web traffic, increase your sales and inform you about current trends.
Here are a few kinds of websites you may wish to consider:
-????????? Brochure Web Design
You are probably a sole trader or startup which wishes to have an online presence. A static website which portrays your brand, services and contact details is the ideal solution
-????????? Content Management (CMS)
This kind of website gives you the facility to alter content (files, text and images) on your website from an administrative console. No programming knowledge is required to make the changes unlike static websites
-????????? Ecommerce web design
This type of website allows you to sell products online and process orders online. To handle orders, you may have a credit card terminal to process them, redirect the orders to a merchant site for processing or link the orders to Paypal
-????????? Flash animation design
If you need interactive websites that contain visually appealing animations, you may opt for flash websites. These would be apt for training or sales websites
Some Web design galway companies would offer you free consultation. They would create websites which are easy to find in search engines, quick to load, informative and simple to use. The development process usually begins with a basic image design based on your needs and requirements. With client feedback, the design could be rejigged without going into coding. Only when a stage is reached where the website is visually appealing and functional would the development process begin.
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Friday, December 28, 2012
Consumer confidence falls to 4-month low
11 hrs.
Consumer confidence fell to a four-month low in December as a looming budget crisis sapped what had been a growing sense of optimism about the economy, a private sector report released on Thursday showed.?
The Conference Board, an industry group, said its index of consumer attitudes fell to 65.1 from a downwardly revised 71.5 in November. Economists had expected a reading of 70.0, according to a Reuters poll.?
November's number was originally reported as 73.7.?
While the present situation index rose to 62.8 from an upwardly revised 57.4, its highest in more than four years, the overall survey suggested most consumers expect things to worsen.?
"Consumers' expectations retreated sharply in December resulting in a decline in the overall index," Lynn Franco, director of The Conference Board Consumer Research Center, said in a statement. "The sudden turnaround was most likely caused by uncertainty surrounding the oncoming fiscal cliff."?
The fiscal cliff refers to $600 billion of automatic tax increases and spending cuts set to take effect in January unless Congress acts to stop them. President Barack Obama and Republican leaders have failed to agree to a long-term deficit reduction deal that would avert the situation.?
The expectations index fell to 66.5 from a downwardly revised 80.9. December's reading was the lowest in more than a year.?
Franco said a similar pullback in consumer expectations was seen in August 2011, when political bickering over raising the U.S. debt ceiling led to a sharp drop in the stock market.?
Consumers' labor market outlook also turned a bit more pessimistic. The "jobs hard to get" index fell to 35.6 percent from a revised 37.4 percent the month before, but the "jobs plentiful" index also fell to 10.3 percent from 11.0 percent.?
Consumers' expectations for inflation in the coming 12 months held steady this month at 5.6 percent.?
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Police: Man suffocated girlfriend after intentional crash
By The Associated Press
MANHEIM, Pa. --?A central Pennsylvania man suffocated his 17-year-old girlfriend by sitting on her head after he intentionally drove into a guardrail at about 100 miles per hour in the middle of the night, authorities said.
Police filed homicide and other charges Friday against Benjamin Daniel Klinger, 19, for the Dec. 4 death of Sammi Heller on an interstate near Manheim. Klinger is accused of crashing on purpose, then killing Heller by sitting on her until she asphyxiated.
"At first glance, this appeared to be simply another tragic vehicle accident," Lancaster County District Attorney Craig Stedman told the Intelligencer Journal/Lancaster New Era. "However, the police worked hand-in-hand with our forensic experts and saw this was far more complicated, sinister and certainly criminal."
A man who answered the telephone at Klinger's Elizabethtown home Thursday said Klinger did not have a lawyer and declined to comment.
Heller, a senior at J.P. McCaskey High School, was described in her obituary as athletic and a lover of motorcycles and horses.
She allegedly told a friend that Klinger previously tried to scare her while driving and that he had threatened to kill them both in a crash. Another witness told detectives that Heller said that Klinger would push Heller into walls and once pushed her down a set of stairs, police alleged.
Heller may have been pregnant, and police fielded conflicting reports about whether Klinger was the father.
A truck driver who came upon the 2 a.m. crash heard Heller screaming and was told by 911 operators not to move the crash victims. When police arrived, Klinger was sitting on top of Heller's head and torso, according to the arrest affidavit.
"Klinger was observed by the officers to be what appeared as 'slipping in and out of consciousness' because he would close his eyes for several seconds, moan, and then reopen his eyes while continuing to be positioned on top of the victim's head and torso while the victim was face down," police wrote.
Based on medical records, investigators later concluded Klinger was feigning being unconscious.
Detectives recovered marijuana, cash, a digital scale, a pipe, pills and a black air pistol from the wreckage.
Klinger was also charged with aggravated assault, drug offenses and driving violations.
Separately, he faces a charge of simple assault for allegedly running over Heller's foot in May and two counts of disseminating explicit sexual materials to a minor for allegedly sending out photos and video of Heller.
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? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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News in Brief: International Conference on Complex Sciences
Researchers at the meeting, held December 5-7 in Santa Fe, N.M., offer insight into spam blocking and sick leave.
Researchers at the meeting, held December 5-7 in Santa Fe, N.M., offer insight into spam blocking and sick leave.
By Rachel Ehrenberg
Web edition: December 28, 2012
Print edition: January 12, 2013; Vol.183 #1 (p. 10)
Winning the arms race with spam
Spammers are tricky adversaries: If e-mail spam filters seek out words like ?enlargement? then spammers switch up their approach. ?Spam changes a lot ? it starts looking more like ham,? said Richard Colbaugh on December 5. Now Colbaugh and Kristin Glass, both of Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, have created a one-two punch that anticipates new tactics and makes antispam programs less predictable. Training filters, for example, to look for bits of ham mixed with spam, such as several nonspammy words, will help detect even cleverly disguised spam. And instead of using one superior filter all the time, spam fighters should mix up their weaponry. Keeping several filters on hand can keep spammers from deducing and evading antispam tactics.
When paid sick leave pays
Paid sick leave is an HR dilemma. The policy can keep an infection from spreading and limit medical costs, but it also lowers productivity, especially when employees intent on playing hooky abuse it. Computer simulations of how an epidemic might spread through Miami suggest that paid sick leave usually pays off. It typically curtails a disease?s spread and minimizes health costs without crippling work output, Achla Marathe of Virginia Tech reported December 5. But if a company offers more days than infections usually last and employees are both highly productive and dishonest about being sick, then paid sick leave does little good.
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maggiewillis0: interment saran: charlesmurra8: Speed reading apps
I installed some speed reading apps and tested them. I?ve so far notices a few ?categories? or groups of equals:
- One kind exists mostly from showing a text word by word in the middle of the screen. Showing each word a very short time and so you can read at a high wpm because you never need to move your eyes.
- Another kind is merely a speed reading article disguised as app.
- Another kind is no speed reading app but just a reading app with a fancy name.
- Yet another kind is training in the form of news/actually.
- And the last kind is a training app, not for your own stuff but purely for training.
I only tested them quickly and unions talked the non-interesting. But they aren?t quite what I?m looking for. Maybe I should write one myself for training and guided reading.
This entry was posted in Other and tagged Android, Self Improvement, Speed Reading. Bookmark the permalink.
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Man pushed to death on NYC subway tracks
By Shimon Prokupecz and Gus Rosendale,
A man was pushed from a subway platform in Queens Thursday and killed by an oncoming train, a law enforcement official told NBC 4 New York.
Witnesses told police that a woman, described as heavyset and in her 20s, shoved the man onto the 7-train tracks at 40th Street and Queens Blvd. before fleeing, the law enforcement official said. Police are searching for the woman.
Police say they believe they have video of the suspect that they're currently retrieving from a pizzeria near the train station. The video was expected to be released overnight.
The suspect, dressed in a gray, white and blue jacket, had been mumbling to herself and pacing the platform, according to police. Witnesses said that the victim and suspect did not exchange any words and that it appeared that the man did notice the suspect at all before being pushed from behind to his death.
"I heard it. One of my customers was on train and heard it going over body," said Jiovanni Briones, who works near the scene.
It is the second time this month that a person has been shoved onto subway train tracks and killed.
Naeem Davis, a 30-year-old deli worker, was recently arrested and charged with second-degree murder for allegedly pushing a man off a Midtown subway platform to his death.
Ki-Suk Han, 58, was stuck by a southbound Q train after being pushed off the platform at the 49th Street station Dec. 3.
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Great Self Help Advice To Follow If You're Down In The Dumps ...
Are you trying to help yourself live a better life? To help you get started, check out the tips below.
Are you a steady drinker? Are you a smoker, or do you regularly engage in something that is bad for you? Mistreating your body will lead to illness, premature aging and an early death. Eliminating bad habits is essential if you want to improve your life. Look at some of the habits you have and evaluate if there is anything you can change for the better.
TIP! Apply the basic principles that you have learned. Your individual core beliefs are what support your sense of self.
Head to a movie with your best friend if anxiety is a problem in your life. This allows you to be in a social setting without the added pressure of talking to a lot of people. You can use the trip as an opportunity to become accustomed to the company of others.
Learning to react selflessly is a sign of progress in the path of personal development. Knowing what it means to care for and help others, by making the sacrifices within yourself, can greatly benefit your inner character. When you can make sacrifices that lift others up without jeopardizing your own well being, you will grow into the kind of person you wish to be seen as.
You can?t care for others if you?re not caring for yourself. Take time for rest and relaxation, whether your health is good or poor.
Strive to increase the time you spend working as much as possible in order to accomplish more. A good method to work for long periods of time is to take frequent breaks. It may seem counterintuitive, but you can actually increase your productivity by taking frequent breaks. That way, you will be refreshed when you return to work and motivated to produce at a much higher level.
Instead of talking about your accomplishments, ask some other people about some of the things they have accomplished and what they are most proud of. You can learn a lot about others from this, and have an opportunity to learn about things other people have done that warrant respect and admiration.
TIP! The goals you set out for your personal development program need to be measurable and specific. If there are specific goals present, it will be easier to figure out the path that you should take to meet them.
One important element of self improvement is attaining and maintaining good health. A healthy lifestyle includes working out and watching what kind of food you eat, and you must be able to acquire the characteristic of being able to remain motivated to do it. If your health is important, you can feel better and have better impact in your life.
To live life fully, you must be willing to take some risks. Taking risks has the potential for failure, so some people prefer to keep things the same and take no chances. They lead unfulfilled lives avoiding risk rather than trying new things. Risk taking is courageous, which is a necessary quality in finding happiness.
Always aspire to do your best at everything you do. Let your passions guide you. No one can be perfect at everything, but we all aspire to provide inspiration to others. Continue to boost your value within your field of work, and you will reap the rewards of greater self-confidence.
Tell other people positive things. Doing the opposite and taking the initiative to be kind to others helps you to be kind to yourself too.
A great listener can be just as valuable as a proficient speaker. This is particularly true if you want to improve yourself. Always be sure to listen, and understand what you?re saying to yourself. If you?re not able to hear yourself, you can?t possibly get a grasp on what is truly necessary for self improvement.
You only need to remember one key to live and lead a successful life. You need to make the choice to stay active in life, and not sit on the sidelines. Only observing and not living makes you dead to the world, and you must live!
TIP! Recognize that the person you are now is not the person you want to be. This is the best way to be able to set a course of direction to get there.
When putting effort into your self improvement, assign a high value to that which is the best. When you value the goals you hope to achieve, it becomes easier to make them materialize.
Personal development doesn?t have to be a struggle, as you can see from this article. Keep in mind the fantastic benefits you can gain from developing your life into something you love.
Jerry Pineda
Learn how to make $thousands$ daily posting personal development articles and helping others succeed using a simple 3 step ONLINE FORMULA.
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Thursday, December 27, 2012
difference between relationship anxiety/falling out of love?
my boyfriend is amazing. i mean, we have been together for 2 years also, and i am also 19. he is definitely not my first relationship, although he is my first serious one. about eight months ago, i began feeling really anxious, because one day, out of no where, the thought popped in my head of us breaking up and i would make myself imagine these really terrible things just to see how i would feel about them. eventually, it snowballed.
one of the reasons i began feeling that was is because i have commitment issues. i love this man more than anything in the world, but i come from a broken family. the only relationships i have ever seen have been on tv or in high school and not only did those relationships not last, they were riddled with drama. he comes from a family full of love and commitment is something that he understands. it took some explaining. i still have to remind myself that it is okay to be in love, that it is okay to commit, that it is okay to be with somebody.
second, i'm an anxious person. i grew up in my mothers house, where every small thing was the end of the world. that childhood, mixed with my fathers biology (a history of anxiety), put me at a very high risk for leading a high stress/anxiety life. i still battle it everyday.
third, i wasn't fulfilling myself in any way. i had a crappy job at the time and he was working seven days a week so we could save up to move out. not only did i not feel like i was contributing, but doing nothing will literally drive you crazy. i'm hyper attentive also (my therapist's words) and i can typically pay attention to multiple thoughts at one time which is why i need things to distract me. usually, if you think an anxious thought, if you distract yourself, then revisit it, you'll be calmer and able to think clearer.
fourth, we had lost some communication and relationship skills and had grown apart somewhat. this is a normal cycle in ALL relationships, i can tell you that. sometimes you feel like partners in crime and sometimes you get bored. we have rebuilt that and are since doing great.
fifth, we began to realize that anytime i felt like my life was going nowhere or when i became hopeless with things, i would doubt everything i was doing and question my relationship, even though there was nothing wrong with it in the first place. i just had a big thing happen to me at work today, actually, and yesterday with college, and i have been feeling so distant from him and like we have all these problems that in reality don't exist. i freak out when i feel like my life is falling apart.
sixth, every relationship goes through cycles. when you first started dating, there is the infatuation stage (and not every couple goes through this). it is literally you being high on the chemicals released in your brain. when that stage ends, you get down to the nitty gritty and get to know your partner on a deeper level. you can even look up the relationship stages, if it helps. one of the things that is completely natural is to doubt when you are evaluating whether or not you want to be with this person. sometimes, you'll regress back to different stages, sometimes you won't. every relationship is different.
last, remember that love is not actually an emotion. love is a choice, delegated by action. i do things for my boyfriend that i would never do for anybody else (at least not happily). i am encouraged to be patient and kind and to be an overall better person. if you find somebody who does that for you, that's who you want to be with. maybe one of the reasons i listed applies to you and i certainly hope it helps. it might be that you need to find help and it might be not.
good luck.
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