Thursday, December 20, 2012

Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is Serious

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?Anonymous Coward
User ID: 15256858
United States
12/18/2012 09:26 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationDrought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousThere are no water reserves for the middle Rio Grande and everywhere south of Albuquerque, NM.

They have been telling us all day on the local news that next summer is going to be pretty bad if we don't get a serious amount of snow which they also said isn't likely.

The Rio Grande is already dried up and growing weeds south of ABQ, NM

The news is saying that the water supply for next summer is down by 80%. ...that the irrigation canals may not have any water.

The local news is saying that farmers will be selling off their herds and that this is very serious.

I have a friend that has a farm in Chama, NM (up in the north/four corners area) and he is telling me that they are already very worried up that way that there may not be any water for irrigation. His farm grows hay and there out put this past summer was way way down....lower than in many many years and now they are already being told to really worry about next summer.

Apparently there is water doing down south of ABQ but it is and will be diverted to Texas.

New Mexico is already in serious trouble for water.

Every time a front is predicted to come the chemical tankers come and spray us heavily just like they did today in front of tomorrow.

Last week the local news told us there was a 90% chance of rain (but then we were sprayed by chemical trails) and we got a whole total of about 1/16 of an inch of rain.... yeah. What happened to the 90% chance?

And now again tomorrow they are saying we are going to get lots of rain/snow but again we were sprayed heavily this morning. I estimate we won't get anything more than a sprinkle.....

and again a third front is coming next week................

Like I said above. I bet we don't get a frucking more than a frucking trickle.

Pray for New Mexico for rain and snow. We are parched with no real hope of relief.

Pray because it may be your food too that is from New Mexico.

Anonymous Coward?(OP)
User ID: 15256858
United States
12/18/2012 09:27 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousThis was on our local news channels of:




Anonymous Coward
User ID: 23907045
United States
12/18/2012 09:36 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousUSA is going to be in big trouble too. My local rural radio stations are talking about water wars along the missouri river.

You got the ranchers, who absolutely need water for livestock. You got produce farmers who need water to grow vegetables. You got the rivermen, who absolutely need water to move up and down the Mississippi.

Then you got the folks switching sides, who need water too, but not as bad as the ones above. (row crop farmers, recreation/retail industries)

Then you got the railroads, who are going to win no matter what. Warren Buffet owns railroads. He sang a victory song in chinese to the chinese after the keystone pipeline got shut down. forcing all the canadian shale crude to be shipped on rail, to china.


Anonymous Coward?(OP)
User ID: 15256858
United States
12/18/2012 09:49 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousI am personally worried.

I remember the last summer and it was brutal.

I planted all kinds of beans,,,,string, lima, anaszi and others.....

the summer came and then a stretch of brutual unrelenting heat without clouds or rain and everything just up and died.

I am aware right now that I MUST buy sun screen to make shade for them.

The heat is so brutal and will be so brutal again next summer that even with copious amounts of water out of the garden hose........everything could still die.

The heat and low humidity just literally SUCKS THE MOISTURE RIGHT OUT OF THE PLANTS ...THE PARTS ABOVE THE GROUND....

so the roots can be drenched with water from the garden hose but the tops will still DIE and produce NO FRUIT OR FLOWER TO FRUIT.

Do you understand this??????????????

I have lived it and seen it.

And for the argriculture that depends on natural rain or irrigation (and that irrigation isn't there)./ is DEATH TO THE PLANTS,,,,,,DEATH TO YOUR FOOD AND DEATH TO THE ANIMALS THAT ARE YOUR FOOD.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 23907045
United States
12/18/2012 09:55 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousPeople into prophecy say that God promised he would not cleanse the earth with fire again. Some people interpret this to mean he will use water, or earth(quakes).

Lack of water is still technically in the sphere of water, or is the ground drying up in the sphere of earth?


User ID: 22427144
United States
12/18/2012 09:58 PM

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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is Seriousfive stars and pinned for my beloved homeland

The drought is serious, has been serious, is getting more serious. I live on the river, but the river is dry here; you can walk across and only a hint of mud remains.

Anonymous Coward?(OP)
User ID: 15256858
United States
12/18/2012 10:04 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousPeople into prophecy say that God promised he would not cleanse the earth with fire again. Some people interpret this to mean he will use water, or earth(quakes).

Lack of water is still technically in the sphere of water, or is the ground drying up in the sphere of earth?

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23907045

I don't mean to be disrespectful so please forgive me but
it is my understanding that the last time was by water and that was the promise but next time would be by fire....





Heat and lack of water is the ultimate cruel death by seizures and your tongue swelling up and your brain swelling up and going on fire from the burn and the thirst.

GOD help us in New Mexico and all of the southwest.

and the mid-west will not be spared next summer either.

Pray for relief and for your very lives and for the preservation of the sources of your food.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 23907045
United States
12/18/2012 10:08 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousI don't mean to be disrespectful so please forgive me but
it is my understanding that the last time was by water and that was the promise but next time would be by fire....





Heat and lack of water is the ultimate cruel death by seizures and your tongue swelling up and your brain swelling up and going on fire from the burn and the thirst.

GOD help us in New Mexico and all of the southwest.

and the mid-west will not be spared next summer either.

Pray for relief and for your very lives and for the preservation of the sources of your food.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15256858

No disrepect taken. I am nothing more than dirty rags. You are right. I was thinking water (Noah's flood) then Sodom and Ghemmora (fire from the sky).

So maybe this time it will be earth. dessicated earth that can not produce food.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 19325354
United States
12/18/2012 10:09 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousI am personally worried.

I remember the last summer and it was brutal.

I planted all kinds of beans,,,,string, lima, anaszi and others.....

the summer came and then a stretch of brutual unrelenting heat without clouds or rain and everything just up and died.

I am aware right now that I MUST buy sun screen to make shade for them.

The heat is so brutal and will be so brutal again next summer that even with copious amounts of water out of the garden hose........everything could still die.

The heat and low humidity just literally SUCKS THE MOISTURE RIGHT OUT OF THE PLANTS ...THE PARTS ABOVE THE GROUND....

so the roots can be drenched with water from the garden hose but the tops will still DIE and produce NO FRUIT OR FLOWER TO FRUIT.

Do you understand this??????????????

I have lived it and seen it.

And for the argriculture that depends on natural rain or irrigation (and that irrigation isn't there)./ is DEATH TO THE PLANTS,,,,,,DEATH TO YOUR FOOD AND DEATH TO THE ANIMALS THAT ARE YOUR FOOD.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15256858

What do you think the point of GMO crops is? Drought resistant.

User ID: 23862489
12/18/2012 10:22 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousThe drought is also near San luis Potosi City in Mexico, I've saw three dam without water in the last months: San Jose Dam 5 km at W of downtown last November, Mezquitic Dam about 40 KM at NW in last August, Santa Ana Dam at Villa de Reyes about 50 km at S in last November.
In those dumps are full of water even in March other past years. Last drought I saw at San Jose dam was in 1980s.

Recently local Goverment make 3 holes in land to get water at deep 700m from a deep source of water of 5,000 years ago. That we are using n the city.

Also the new El realito dam in San Luis de la Paz Guanajuato State build to provide water to the city, is not full yet and the duct to get the water from is about 100 km, and is in construction.

Also the public water in the city have more cl chlorim, I don t now, how affect it to grow vegetables at home.

The alternative is take care of water NOW, and wait the rain to singing.

Anonymous Coward?(OP)
User ID: 15256858
United States
12/18/2012 10:25 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousI am a transplant from Florida (50 years) by way of Atlanta Georgia (8 years). When I came out here in 2007 I fell in love with this state of New so beautiful.
I LOVE it here in New Mexico.

When I came out here we had monsoon rains in the summer...copious amounts of down pours of rain and since then every year it is less and less and less water.

The last two years the monsoon season has fizzled out to nothing. Last summer there was no monsoon...just a little bit of rain.

Our normal amounts of rain runs about 7+ inches a YEAR.

Last year it was only 3+ inches of rain.

Every year it is less and less.

Anonymous Coward?(OP)
User ID: 15256858
United States
12/18/2012 10:27 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousI am personally worried.

I remember the last summer and it was brutal.

I planted all kinds of beans,,,,string, lima, anaszi and others.....

the summer came and then a stretch of brutual unrelenting heat without clouds or rain and everything just up and died.

I am aware right now that I MUST buy sun screen to make shade for them.

The heat is so brutal and will be so brutal again next summer that even with copious amounts of water out of the garden hose........everything could still die.

The heat and low humidity just literally SUCKS THE MOISTURE RIGHT OUT OF THE PLANTS ...THE PARTS ABOVE THE GROUND....

so the roots can be drenched with water from the garden hose but the tops will still DIE and produce NO FRUIT OR FLOWER TO FRUIT.

Do you understand this??????????????

I have lived it and seen it.

And for the argriculture that depends on natural rain or irrigation (and that irrigation isn't there)./ is DEATH TO THE PLANTS,,,,,,DEATH TO YOUR FOOD AND DEATH TO THE ANIMALS THAT ARE YOUR FOOD.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15256858

What do you think the point of GMO crops is? Drought resistant.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19325354

This is not true at all. There are plenty of GMO crops planted in the mid west.........they all croaked too.
Read up on it.

Anonymous Coward?(OP)
User ID: 15256858
United States
12/18/2012 10:30 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousI thank you administors for the pin...not for me but for my beloved state of New Mexico and its people. There is so much agriculture here.

People have no idea how much because they just think it is all desert but in the places that are not just sand there is a world of foods and animals growing.

It is for this that I thank you for helping to bring attention to the seriousness of this matter.


Anonymous Coward?(OP)
User ID: 15256858
United States
12/18/2012 10:32 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousThe drought is also near San luis Potosi City in Mexico, I've saw three dam without water in the last months: San Jose Dam 5 km at W of downtown last November, Mezquitic Dam about 40 KM at NW in last August, Santa Ana Dam at Villa de Reyes about 50 km at S in last November.
In those dumps are full of water even in March other past years. Last drought I saw at San Jose dam was in 1980s.

Recently local Goverment make 3 holes in land to get water at deep 700m from a deep source of water of 5,000 years ago. That we are using n the city.

Also the new El realito dam in San Luis de la Paz Guanajuato State build to provide water to the city, is not full yet and the duct to get the water from is about 100 km, and is in construction.

Also the public water in the city have more cl chlorim, I don t now, how affect it to grow vegetables at home.

The alternative is take care of water NOW, and wait the rain to singing.

?Quoting: M9V 23862489

Thank you friend for your posting.

Yes,,,,,,,I am storing water and have about 4 months worth stored up but that is just the very basic amounts for keeping the body alive at about one gallon a day for me and my dog and my cat....but nothing for anything else.

If we don't get rain here there very well could be a disapora in our near future.


User ID: 2230505
United States
12/18/2012 10:34 PM

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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is Serious

this explains all the ob ammy water grabs earlier this year

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 13148801
United States
12/18/2012 10:36 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is Serious

Just going back to its roots. Used to be nothing but sand

Anonymous Coward?(OP)
User ID: 15256858
United States
12/18/2012 10:37 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousThe famour Rio Grande isn't so grand anymore.. Even here in Albuquerque it is just a little more than a mud hole that you could walk across without wetting your ankles.

It is so shallow that there are dry land patches here with weeds growing. This dryness is creeping up further north.

Elephant Butte lake to the south of ABQ, NM is so dried up that they have stopped boating. It is too shallow for boaters to put in.

The Elephant Butte lake is huge and I do mean huge. It is a man-made lake by the ARmy of Engineers and it was at full pool when I first came out here.

It has now evaporated to nothing.

All of this is quite verifiable.


User ID: 29507233
United States
12/18/2012 10:38 PM

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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousLook to the 1930's, this will probably go on for several more years.


Anonymous Coward?(OP)
User ID: 15256858
United States
12/18/2012 10:42 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is Serious

Just going back to its roots. Used to be nothing but sand

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13148801

You are wrong, seriously wrong.

The Rio Grande is/was/is still the RIVER OF LIFE through New Mexico. It cradles life all the way through New Mexico.

It is dependant on snow fall further up north and into Colorado and the four corners.

Have you never flown over the state of New Mexico?


If things were left to the normal weather everything here in this state would be as it should and has been but we are being assaulted by weather wars.

We are being assualted with chemical trails that literally


Anonymous Coward?(OP)
User ID: 15256858
United States
12/18/2012 10:45 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousLook to the 1930's, this will probably go on for several more years.


?Quoting: samanthasunflower

It wouldn't if we were not sprayed before every single water producting front comes along.

If things were allowed to follow nature then I would just accept that as nature but it is all being manipulated so that we are dehydrated.

Come on out here and let me see how your fingers crack and split and bleed and your fingers indent because you are dehydrated.

come on!

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 23907045
United States
12/18/2012 10:45 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousThe Elephant Butte lake is huge and I do mean huge. It is a man-made lake by the ARmy of Engineers and it was at full pool when I first came out here.

It has now evaporated to nothing.

All of this is quite verifiable.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15256858

The MSM is going to have to start putting disinformation out. The MSNBC network has adverts showing a lake similar to this one with the water obviously 20-30 feet below normal levels.

Things like google maps can show many lakes far below their levels. They can retouch the images some, but it will be difficult where there are boat docks. many edges will look fuzzy like bad photoshop. And then there are going to people posting real pictures and videos to youtube of the low water levels.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 28349531
United States
12/18/2012 10:47 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is Serious


Anonymous Coward?(OP)
User ID: 15256858
United States
12/18/2012 10:49 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousThe Elephant Butte lake is huge and I do mean huge. It is a man-made lake by the ARmy of Engineers and it was at full pool when I first came out here.

It has now evaporated to nothing.

All of this is quite verifiable.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15256858

The MSM is going to have to start putting disinformation out. The MSNBC network has adverts showing a lake similar to this one with the water obviously 20-30 feet below normal levels.

Things like google maps can show many lakes far below their levels. They can retouch the images some, but it will be difficult where there are boat docks. many edges will look fuzzy like bad photoshop. And then there are going to people posting real pictures and videos to youtube of the low water levels.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23907045

I live in this state. I cannot be deceived by google or photoshop. I have friends that have boats down there that they cannot take out now. There is no fooling us.

Yes..........disinfo. And those that don't live here will just eat it up but we that do live here know....and I am trying to tell you all.

Anonymous Coward?(OP)
User ID: 15256858
United States
12/18/2012 10:53 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is Serious


?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 28349531

Sure.......and all those people that suffered from Sandy should have moved too. has crossed my mind and is in there as a plan C or D option.

But here is the question.

If all the people from Katrina (the gulf/south) should have moved and

all the people from Sandy(the northeast) should have moved

and all the people in the midwest(the should have moved..

and all the people in California and the Pacific northwest should have moved.


Anonymous Coward
User ID: 23907045
United States
12/18/2012 10:58 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is Serious


?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15256858

Some people say they want us to all live in megacities. Then they can divert all resources to those places and provide us enough. Most of the country would be re-wilded and that would allow ecological balance to be restored.

This is not what I think, it just what I am being told.

User ID: 29693709
United States
12/18/2012 11:07 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousI live in Burque and the people in our little neighborhood are all converting to xeriscape, I even put a bucket in the shower to water my plants, etc etc.

One day someone invited me to an upper-crust party in a place called "Tanoan" - a gated community with lots of huge homes.

It is hidden by massive walls, I felt like going to the Wonka Factory? What could be inside? Once we got past the security, I was amazed. The place looked like a JUNGLE. Plenty of outdoor pools, kentucky bluegrass as far as the eye could see. I guess if you are rich then you don't need a conscience...
I felt kind of stupid. I'll still try to conserve water though, since it is the right thing to do.

User ID: 30288448
United States
12/18/2012 11:07 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is Serious

Green Bay, here. The Great Lakes are at near record lows. If we don't get significant snow this winter we will be at record lows. Water evaporates then comes down as rain. Who is getting all our water and why are they getting it and not us? I know there are countries who have had record rain fall. The weather patterns are changing. Is this being steered or natural?

Anonymous Coward?(OP)
User ID: 15256858
United States
12/18/2012 11:09 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is Serious


?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15256858

Some people say they want us to all live in megacities. Then they can divert all resources to those places and provide us enough. Most of the country would be re-wilded and that would allow ecological balance to be restored.

This is not what I think, it just what I am being told.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23907045

I'm not leaving. I will survive here or die here. I love this place.

Yes....I have heard also what you stated.

My question is this:

Yes, there are weather wars and there is weather technology so why don't the goooooooood guys put up a shield to block this dehydration of this state? If there is technology to do this there is also technology to STOP it or BLOCK it and why isn't it being used????????? us out here in the desert southwest. We too are a source of food production that could feed others in other states. Help us to survive. We here in this state are mostly organic farmers and resist GMO. Help us with your counter technology and STOP this dehydration.

Bring YOUR type of hellfire down on those that would extinguish us and our efforts to produce food.

Anonymous Coward?(OP)
User ID: 15256858
United States
12/18/2012 11:10 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousOkay... I will make it more down to earth for the people out there and all you CHILI lovers out there.

If our state dries up there goes your source and supply of chilis that you love.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 28822130
United States
12/18/2012 11:10 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousI thought New Mexico was largely a desert anyway?

Looks like the desert is growing.


User ID: 25384388
United States
12/18/2012 11:11 PM

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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Drought Warning Already for New Mexico for Next Summer....This Is SeriousPeople into prophecy say that God promised he would not cleanse the earth with fire again. Some people interpret this to mean he will use water, or earth(quakes).

Lack of water is still technically in the sphere of water, or is the ground drying up in the sphere of earth?

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23907045

A liitle bit backwards my friend. God promised to not destroy the Earth with water (Noah's flood)again and gave the rainbow as his pledge. Next time it is to be fire.
Biblically considering the current state of sodomy in the US- I believe stoning was the traditional punishment. So we get burned up with meteors?

pride of lions...gaggle of geese...a murder of crows...and my favorite....A CONGRESS of baboons....

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