Tuesday, February 12, 2013

File-O-Facts: Philip Arena of Before You | AltSounds.com Features

The AltSounds File-O-Facts feature on: Philip Arena of Before You. Want to know more about this up and coming artist? Here you can find out loads of snappy facts about this new talent...

WATCH // Before You - 'Bad Habits and the Sunshine State' [Acoustic]

Philip Arena
Star Sign: Gemini
Place of Birth: Pittsburgh, PA
Now Based At: Pittsburgh, PA
Level of Education: Bachelor of Science

First Instrument Played: I started playing piano when I was 8 years old and that is how I learned to read music.
Current Instrument: Guitar & Bass Guitar
Last Venue Played: St. James Place, a small dive bar on the South Side of Pittsburgh that we love playing.
Last Gig Attended: Punchline, a Pop Punk band from Pittsburgh who we have played we a few times and their lead singer actually sings on our EP, put on an annual Holiday Show. That was the last show I went to.
Can't Go On Tour Without: My friend from work got me a Moleskine for Christmas to write lyrics in. I now take it with me everywhere.

The Best Thing About Live Music Is: The way it makes me feel inside.
The Person I Would Most To Collaboration Is: David Byrne of Talking Heads. I love Talking Heads and would kill to meet, much less write with him.
Worst Thing To Happen To Music Is: Rebecca Black. Enough said.
Best Thing About The Current Music Industry: iTunes has made it unbelievably convenient to purchase music and I think this has really helped the Music Industry. Nearly everyone has iTunes.

Turn On: Someone who smells good
Turn Off: Someone who smells bad
Biggest Influence: One of my favorite bands of all time is Hot Rod Circuit and I am heavily influenced by them.
My Favourite Person On TV Right Now Is: Chris Pratt of Parks and Recreation
Childhood Hero: Jeff King of the Pittsburgh Pirates, mainly because he looked like my Dad.

When I Was Younger I Wanted To Be: An ESPN Sportscaster. I actually announced on the school?s local TV station in High School and thought it was the thing for me. Music took precedence though.
Last Album Bought: Floral Green by Title Fight
Last Song Listened To On MP3 Player: ?Regret Song? by Living With Lions
The Music I'm Into Is: All kinds but mainly Pop Punk. I really like Steely Dan too.
Favourite Current Band: The Swellers

My Favourite Drink Has To Be: Either an IPA or a Gin & Tonic, depending on the setting. Non-Alcoholic: Ginger Ale & Diet Coke
My Favourite Book Is: The Great Gatsby because it?s one of the only books that I attempted reading, that kept me interested the whole time.
My Favourite Website Is: ESPN.com
My Favourite Item Of Clothing Is: Plain White V-Neck, I?m a plain dude. I don?t wear many crazy/huge logo shirts, unless they?re band shirts. I like to keep it simple for the most part.
My Favourite Shop Is: Pianos N? Stuff. It?s a local music store with the most knowledgeable/awesome staff in the area.

The Best Boredom Buster Is: Twitter
The Best Film I Ever Saw Was: That?s a tough one but my most recent favorite is ?Moneyball?. I?m a huge baseball fan and I really enjoyed how the movie was historically accurate. Also, who doesn?t like Brad Pitt? Am I right?
My Ultimate Snack Is: Australian Style Soft Strawberry Licorice
The Worst Food Invented Is: Rye Bread & Swiss Cheese, unless the swiss is melted? I can?t handle it otherwise.
The First Thing I Do When I Wake Up Is: Urinate

I Can't Leave The House Without: My phone. Who can, really?
I'm Well Known For: My sarcasm and kind heart
My Hobbies Are: Fantasy Sports, XBOX, Golf & Men?s League Softball
I Have A Passion For: Music & Sushi

First Band Name: 4HB (4 Horny Boys)? I was in 9th grade, come on.
Tomorrow I Will: Go to work and pack for my weekend in the mountains.
My Biggest Aspiration: To play music for a living and not have to hold another job. If I could solely support my wife and I on my music, my life would be complete.
I Think AltSounds is: Radical

Source: http://hangout.altsounds.com/features/156207-file-o-facts-philip-arena.html

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