Networking means expanding your connections with people. Most business does networking to maximize their contacts and the vending machines business is no exception. The most important thing to remember is that networking is all about establishing good relationships with people. One the relationship has been established, then it is easier for people to trust and help each other.
In vending machine business, the core concept of networking is meeting potential businessmen who are willing to have your machines. Knowing a network of people who are willing to help you introduce and build relationships with potential businesses is a great way to start your business. Remember, most people want to do business with someone they already know and trust. The moment you?re able to develop good relationships with these people, they are always willing to help.
You can always start with the people you already know, like your family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc. These are the people whom you can have long conversations with. They might not be able to help you with your business, but, most often than not they always know someone who can. By building positive relationships with these people, they are usually willing to give referrals to help you with your business.
Another way to expand your networks is by participating in events or activities that interests you. Some of the most common places to start networking are: the gym, PTA meetings, homeowner?s association meeting and book clubs to name a few. You must understand that networking is not just knowing the person?s name and contact numbers, it should be knowing them well and building a rapport with them.
Here are some of the most effective ways to build rapport:
Smile and make eye contact. This is the easiest way to start any conversation.
You must introduce yourself with your first name only. It is easier to remember someone by their first name.
Always call them with their first name because it always makes them feel good. Also, it would be easier for you to remember it.
Start a conversation by asking simple but interesting questions.
Try looking for your ?common ground? to make longer conversations.
Listen, and make sure they know that you?re really listening. This is the most powerful tool in building rapport, because it?s also known as the ultimate form of respect you can show to a person.
Give positive comments at all times. Try not to criticize, if you need to give your opinion, always be considerate.
Ask for their business card and give yours as well.
Networking is such a powerful key in making your vending machine business prosper. Everybody is somehow connected to one another that?s why it?s very important to make good relationships with your network, because your character will somehow reflect your company. Remember, networking is all about understanding basic principles, making few strategies in some areas and developing effective techniques. If you can master these, you and your business can reap huge rewards networking can offer.
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