Monday, December 10, 2012

DIY Upholstery ? How To Upholster : Home Improvement

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If you want to know how to upholster your chairs and sofas to a perfect condition using diy upholstery so?your furniture looks as if a professional upholsterer has done the job?(and you want to save yourself a huge amount of money in the process) ??then?read every word on this web site very carefully.

That?s because you?re about to discover diy upholstery and the secrets behind tufting, stitching, buttoning?and how to restore sagging seats, replace worn coverings, replace any worn out springs, re-new stitching. And more, MUCH more.

The covering is worn. The seating isn?t as comfortable as it used to be. The bottom is sagging where the webbing has broken. Perhaps, you can even see the springs.

Mind you, this is still stylish furniture, despite its present appearance. Sofas and chairs anyone would be proud to have in their lounge or sitting room ? if they were only restored to new condition.

Yet, when visitors come round for an evening and sit down on your chair or sofa you feel, well, embarrassed by its sorry state. And, perhaps you?re using a throw to disguise your furniture?s present condition.

Of course, you could throw out your furniture and buy new?but that would be sacrilege. They don?t make furniture like they used to, do they? These modern mass produced sofas?they just haven?t been built to last. And they lack character. They?ve been thrown together. No real craftsmanship in them is there?

And, quite frankly, if you decide to buy new you?ve got the un-budgeted cost of several thousand dollars for a new chair or sofa. And do you want to buy modern furniture when you prefer old traditional furniture? Of course you don?t. Any brand new piece would look out of place in your sitting room or lounge.

Oh sure you?d have a professional job done by using a full time upholsterer ?IF? (And it?s a big IF)?you?ve sourced a good upholsterer. BUT at some cost. They do know how to charge. And you could be in for a shock when you see the invoice.

Alternatively you could attend upholstery classes, week after week, to learn the upholstery skills yourself. Of course you?d have to take time out of your busy schedule to go to evening classes. And pay to attend them.

A way that shows you step-by-step how to competently do the upholstery job yourself. Imagine?re-upholstering any piece of furniture to the same standard as a professional upholsterer.

So your chairs and sofas have?Firm seating which has been stuffed correctly and is smooth and regular with no dips or lumps. Neat tidy stitching which is straight and pleasing on your eye. A cover which is tight in the right places and pleasing on your eye. And tightly sown buttons which sit snugly in the covering.

In other words a finished re-upholstering job you?

Posted by Dan on Monday, December 10, 2012 at 12:21 pm?
Filed under General ? Tagged with


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