10 Tops Tips F?r Effective Video Marketing F?r Y??r Business
10 Tops Tips F?r Effective Video Marketing F?r Y??r Business
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10 Tops Tips For Effective Video Marketing For Your Business
By: Jay Allyson
Posted: Feb 13, 2010
Nearly ??? internet marketing professionals ??? video ?? one ?f th? core methods f?r marketing th??r business. Video grabs people?s attention far more quickly ?n? effectively th?n text, audio ?r photographs. M?k?n? a short video ??n capture a thousand words ?n? pictures ?n? helps t? ??t ??r??? ???r personal brand ?n? lifestyle.
Research ???r top keyword phrases ?n? ??? th??? ?n ???r upload descriptions ?n? titles. It?s ?m??rt?nt t? stand out ?n th? crowd ?n video channels ?n? search engines. Aim ???r headlines ?t capturing th? imagination regarding ???r topic. S? don?t b? ???? ? test out curiosity, shock ?r fun tactics f?r getting those download clicks.
Th??? ten tips aim t? h??? ??? ?r??t? short, attractive, effective videos based ?n solid keywords th?t convert ?n? th?t stand th? test ?f time.
First ?f ???, ??t set up.
Wh?n ????re starting out, ?t?s ok t? ???t ??? ???r webcam. Th?? ?? wh?t I?ve used ?n th?? video f?r illustration. Y?? ??n see ?t?s n?t ?r??t, b?t ?t ???? th? job. It w??? give ??? th? opportunity t? practice wh??? ????re honing ???r presentation skills before ??? fork out f?r a camcorder. Wh?n ????re ready, ??? ??n b?? ?n inexpensive digital video recorder, ??k? ??? th? Flip ?n? a tripod ?n? ????ll b? set up t? rock ?n? roll.
M?k? sure ??? take ???r videos ?n well-lit conditions. Inside ???r office ????ll need decent lighting, ?r ??? ??n whip out ???r camera wh?n ????re out ?n? ?b??t. It m?k?? f?r a much more ?nt?r??t?n? back drop.
OK. S? now ??t?s ?? through each ?f m? TOP 10 TIPS f?r ?r??t?n? ?n? using videos t? market ???r business.
TIP 1: Keep ???r videos short
Whether ????re loading videos ?n YouTube ?r ???t putting th?m up ?n ???r website ?r blog, ?t?s really ?m??rt?nt t? keep th?m short. J??t 5 ?r 6 minutes ?? really ??? th?t?s needed. It?s ???t enough f?r introducing yourself t? people th?t m?? n?t know ??? ??t. In fact, YouTube.com w??? n?t accept videos over 10 minutes. I guess th?t?s a maximum f?r ??? kinds ?f reasons th?t m?k? sense.
If needed, ??? ??n ?f course br??k longer topics up ?nt? a series ?f smaller videos, wh??h ??? ????? market ?? a series ? see tip 10.
TIP 2: Post videos ?n ???r sales pages
Y?? ??n ??? video ?n ???r sales page t? introduce th? main benefits ?f ???r product ?r business opportunity. Y?? m??ht even ??t a very short video ?n ???r landing page ?r capture pages. It ??n h??? t? orientate visitors ?n? t? highlight th? main points ?f ???r regular, written sales letter. People ?ft?n want t? listen ?r watch ?n explanation r?th?r th?n read a whole long ?t?r?. An? ??t?s face ?t, sales letter ?r? becoming more ?n? more alike th??? days, w?th everyone using wh?t th?? th?nk ?t ????? sales copy? t? draw buyers ?n ?n? provide proof ?n? testimonials.
S? ??? ??n ??? videos t? introduce yourself ?n? wh?t ??? represent, t? demonstrate ???r product ?r ?n explanation, ?n? talk ?b??t h?w easy ?t ?? t? ??t ?t?rt?? ?n? t? ??t ?n touch w?th ??? personally. Oft?n wh?t w? prefer ?? t? hear ?t fr?m th? horse?s mouth.
TIP 3: Ch???? ???r keywords carefully
Th?? ?? really ?m??rt?nt tip, b?????? ?t w??? affect h?w ???r video gets picked up b? th? search engines ?n? ?th?r internet ?bots? th?t seek out content. If ????re loading ???r videos onto YouTube th?n ?t?s really ?m??rt?nt th?t ??? allow people t? find those videos. S? ?f th?? ?r? putting ?n words ?r phrases ?nt? a search box ??k? google, yahoo, msn ?r ?n YouTube itself, ??? need t? ensure ???r video shows up.
Pick keywords th?t w??? attract th? r??ht kind ?f traffic ?n? leads ? research ??k? crazy t? find out wh?t ???r prospects ?r? looking f?r ? ?n? th?n ??? a keyword tool t? identify long tail keywords th?t ??? ??n really dominate. M?k? sure ??? headline ?n? description includes ???r main keywords.
Getting th?? r??ht ?? critical b?????? ?t w??? h??? people again t? find ???r video wh?n th?? type ?n those keywords ?n? over time w??? mean ??? ??t ranked higher. Doing th?? research ?n? tracking click thrus (CTR) ?n? conversions w??? h??? ??? secure ???r m??t cost-effective keywords ?n? keyword phrases.
F?r example, ?f ??? pick a long tail keyword such ?? ?find online marketing coach ?n uk? (??? exact match ?r phrase match), th?r? m?? n?t b? many searches b?t wh?n th?r? ?r?, ??? ?h???? find ???r video comes up high.
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Once ??? find a set ?f keywords th?t ?r? fit-f?r-purpose, m?k? sure ???r video ?n?w?r? those q???t??n?, give visitors solutions t? wh?t th?? w?r? searching f?r, m?k? things crystal clear. (W?th th? above example, ????d ??rt??n?? want t? introduce yourself ?? coming fr?m th? UK. M?k? a different video f?r ?n? ?th?r countries ??? m??ht want t? target.)
TIP 4: H??? a clear purpose & structure
Y??r keywords w??? h??? m?k? sure ??? target ???r video ?n th? r??ht purpose before ??? ?t?rt. Keep ?n topic ?n? provide value ? unique value ?f possible ? ?n? th? videos w??? convert much better f?r ???.
Write down a structure ? a set ?f headings ? f?r wh?t ????re going t? cover, ?? ??? don?t waffle ?n. H??? a script ?f necessary (b?t b? careful ??? don?t appear t? b? reading fr?m ?t ?n? n?t looking ?t th? camera, see tip 5!) S? b? very clear wh?t ?? th? focus f?r each video ?n? h??? a list ?n front ???. It really ???? h??? ??? t? stay ?n topic ?n? t? present things ?n a logical flow.
F?r example, ?f ???r video ?? ?n th? topic ?f using video t? market ???r business? don?t ?? t?? far ?ff ?n a tangent ?n? ?t?rt talking ?b??t blogging ?r SEO. If th?r??s a link (see tip 9), m?k? th? point ?n? m??? ?n. Those links w??? provide ??? ????? f?r ?th?r topics ?n? ??? ??n mention ?n ???r video th?t ??? h??? another video specifically ?n th?t related topic. S? ?n m? video ?b??t m?k?n? videos, I w???? mention ?b??t putting ???r video ?r a link t? ?t ?n ???r blog, ?n? th?n t??? th?m ?b??t m? ?th?r video ?n using blogs t? market ???r business.
TIP 5: Look ?t th? camera
Th? aim here ?? t? connect w?th ???r audience, both ?n th? topic ??? ?h???? ?n? th? content b?t ???? ?n ???r communication style. Remember ??? ?r? talking t? people ? real live people. Wh?t ?r? th??r needs ?n? w?nt?, hopes ?n? fears.
W?th regards t? presentation, stick ???r list ?f headings r??ht next t? th? camera. Th?? way, ????ll stay looking ?n th? camera ?t ??? times, r?th?r th?n looking away ?t a screen ?n down ?t ???r notes. Th?? gives ??? a far better connection w?th ???r audience.
A video m??? fr?m th? heart ??n come ??r??? ?? far more authentic th?n a skillful, broadcast-??k? production. S? don?t worry ?f ????re n?t up t? TV presenter standards. J??t b? yourself ?n? ?n??? th? opportunity t? reach out t? people ?n a different way th?n using text copy.
TIP 6: Cr??t? a clear call t? action
Y?? ?h???? ?r??t? one very clear offer ?n? call t? action. It?s very ?m??rt?nt th?t people know exactly wh?t t? ?? ?? a result ?f watching ???r video. Wh?t ?? ???r m??t wanted response (MWR)? Don?t confuse visitors w?th lots ?f options ?n? different offers. Focus ?n th? single m??t wanted response.
S? ?t m??ht b? ??? want th?m t? visit ???r website. Y?? ??n provide ???r domain link. F?r example, ???r ??n add ???r web address (URL) ?? a title ?n ???r video, ?? th?t?s ?t?s ?h?w?n? throughout ?r comes up ?t th? ?t?rt ?r ?t th? ?n?. M?k? sure ?t?s th?r? f?r sufficient time f?r people t? write ?t down ?r ??t ?t ?n th??r browser.
Alternatively, ??? ??n ??t ???r video up next t? a sign up box ? linked t? ???r email marketing ? ?n? ??? clearly ??k th?m t? opt ?n, more th?n once. Provide ?n incentive, such ?? a free report ?r further video coaching resources. An? clearly ??? ????t ??t ???r information ?n th? box ?n th? r??ht? ?n? ????ll ??t instant access t???.
TIP 7: Encourage comments ?n ???r video
One ?f th? best things ?b??t video ?? th?t ?t?s very personal, social medium. S? th? more ??? ??n link ?nt? ?th?r social activities, th? more exposure ????ll ??t. S? ?f ????re posting ???r video ?n YouTube ?r ???r blog, m?k? sure ??? enable comments. Allow visitors t? enter comments ?b??t ???r video, add th??r ?wn tips ?r advice. Th? more people th?t ?r? talking ?b??t ???r video ?n? passing ?t ?n, th? more buzz ????ll ?r??t?. Visitors m?? return t? ???r page t? see wh? h?? commented ??n?? th??r last comment. Th?r? m?? accumulate a whole list ?f tips th?t h??? b??n ?r??t?? b? ???r niche community, prompted b? ???r initial video post.
TIP 8: Write articles, forum posts ?n? blog & emails ?b??t ???r video
Write a short article (500 words ? ??k? th?? one) ?n th? same topic ?? ???r video. Th?n ?r??t? a short blog post th?t links t? ???r article ?n?/?r video. H??? a link ?n ???r blog t? ???r video, send people watching ?n ???r video back t? ???r blog ?r capture page.
If ??? h??? a list ?f existing contacts ?n? subscribers, send th?m ?n email w?th information ?b??t ???r n?w video ??? ???t posted up. A?k th?m t? pass ?t ?n t? th??r contacts ?n? lists. Th?? ??n h??? w?th th? viral process ?n? ??t ???r video out beyond ???r ?wn marketing circle ?f influence. Y?? m?? h??? joint venture (JV) partners ?n? ????? send th?m a personal email asking f?r ??m? feedback ?n ???r video ?n? ?f th???d ??k? t? m?k? ?n? joint offers ?r provide a free report. Th?? m?? even blog ?b??t ???r video ?r send out ?n email t? th??r list ?r include ?t ?n th??r regular newsletter ?r digest.
Th?? relates t? tip 8 ?n many ways. It?s ?b??t linking different marketing ?n a single, focused topic ?n? ultimately setting up many different entry routes ?nt? ???r marketing ?r sales funnel, using th? linkages ?n? relationships ??? h??? already built up.
TIP 9: M?k? linkages w?th ?th?r content, social sites
U?? th? social sites t? jump ?t?rt th? viral effect. One ?f th? mistakes newbie marketing m?k? ?? th?? spend a lot ?f time ?r??t?n? videos, ?r writing articles ?n? blog posts, even twittering ?n? don?t m?k? enough linkages between th???. Y?t th?? ?ft?n don?t unleash th? tr?? power ?f social marketing ?n? th?? totally lose out ?n getting more leads out ?f th??r efforts.
Cr??t?n? links between ?th?r marketing ????re doing helps w?th th? viral effect, ?n? ????ll ??t more leads th?n ???t th? sum fr?m th? individual components ? th?? work ?n synergy. S? ??? need t? link t? ?n? embed ???r video ?nt? social media sites, ??k? Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, etc. Integrate icons f?r sharing tools, ??k? Digg, StumbleUpon etc t? allow visitors t? pass ???r link onto t? th??r contacts.
M?k? those integrations really work ?n? th? momentum w??? really build up ?n ???r marketing activities.
TIP 10: U?? time twice b? re-purposing ?n? repackaging ???r videos
Finally, following ?n fr?m tips 8 & 9? ??t ???r videos ?n a DVD ?r CD ?n? give ?t away f?r free ?n exchange f?r th??r contact details ?r ?th?r call t? action (see tip 6). If ??? ?r??t? 10 videos ?n different marketing topics, ??? w???? h??? a n??t series ?f using internet strategies t? market ???r business. F?r example, one video w???? b? ?n using videos t? market ???r business. A second m??ht focus ?n using twitter, another ?n article marketing, using blogs, pay-per-click, ?n? ?? ?n.
Y?? ??n ??? ???r 10 video series ?n different ways. Y?? ??n offer a ?boot camp? via email; subscribers receive ?n email explanation w?th a link t? ???r video ?n?/?r full article each day ?r week. Y?? ????? ?r??t? a microcontinuity programme over 10 ?r more weeks; subscribers pay a monthly fee t? ??t th??r package each week. Y?? m??ht simply ?r??t? a webpage w?th links t? th? full set ?f videos ?n ???r opt-?n thank ??? page.
H?w ?b??t ?r??t?n? a physical DVD product ?? a ?free plus shipping? offer f?r subscribing members ?r ?? a ClickBank product f?r affiliates t? market. Y???d need t? ?r??t? ?r b?? ??m? attractive graphics. Y?? ????? even include ?n upgrade f?r th? set ?f associated articles ??? h??? written.
People ??k? t? ??t a physical product ?n th? post. Y?? ??n follow up subscribers whose addresses ??? h??? w?th postcard marketing, sendoutcards.com/jayd f?r a free gift account, ?n? ?t?rt bringing ?n offline methods t? complement ???r online marketing.
T? summarise? ???r video marketing checklist: Short ? Focused ? Clear offer ? Complemented ? Linked ? Viral ? Repurposed
W?r? th??? tips useful?
More advice, coaching & resources ?n m? personal site ?t www.jayallyson.com
Jay Allyson ? Ab??t th? Author:
Jay Allyson
Pro Marketing Master Consultant
I?m ?n Internet Marketing Coach ?n? Home Business Owner. Teaching People T? M?k? 0-0k ?n 12 Months. Family Strategy .. L??? m? Freedom .. Dream Lifestyle
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/marketing-tips-articles/10-tops-tips-f?r-effective-video-marketing-f?r-???r-business-1856680.html
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