Friday, November 23, 2012

Bluehost Packages On Sale for 50% Off on Black Friday

Kif Leswing

Bluehost Packages On Sale for 50% Off on Black FridayThis is a special Dealhacker post for Lifehacker readers from the commerce team at Gizmodo. So to be clear, this is not Lifehacker editorial. We went out and negotiated you the year's best deal on Bluehost pricing. You can see all our Black Friday deals on electronics, TVs, software, and games at the Ultimate Black Friday Cheat Sheet.

Today, as a special for Lifehacker readers, Bluehost?a commenter favorite?is offering their web hosting package at rates that have never been offered before. For Black Friday, you can sign up for a 1, 2 or 3 year hosting plan at only $3.50 a month?it's usually $6.95 a month. Saving a little bit on a recurring plan can save you a lot over months.

Bluehost is a reliable hosting service too: they've been around for a while, and they've got a 24-hour phone line so you can always talk to a real human if your site is on the fritz. And with one-click installers for CMS like Wordpress or Drupal, you can be uploading content today.

Bluehost's deal is live exclusively for Lifehacker readers from now through Cyber Monday. Just click through this post and you'll see the pricing drop to $3.50 / month.

Bluehost - $3.50 per month for 1, 2, or 3 year hosting plans

(Image courtesy of Google / Connie Zhou)


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