Sunday, November 18, 2012

Mom Gets Banned From Facebook For Posting Breastfeeding Photo, Plots Revenge [Photo]

Posted: November 17, 2012

Mom banned from Facebook over breastfeeding photo

Gina Crosley-Corcoran, a blogger at?, was banned from Facebook for uploading a picture of her 18-month-old nursing ? and holding a piece of bacon.

Crosley-Corcoran wrote:

?And now, you?ve seen everything: Jolene swiped bacon off my plate and tried to nurse and eat at the same time. When I got bit, I told her she had to choose. She chose bacon. :) ?

Crosley-Corcoran said the photo was generally well-received, but one commenter wrote, ?Those are the kids that end up growing up to be sex offenders.? She took a screenshot of the comment and posted it to her blog, and the commenter reported her to Facebook.

Two days later, the photo was removed for being ?inappropriate? and Crosley-Corcoran was suspended from the social networking site for three days.

Crosley-Corcoran isn?t the first mother to be suspended from Facebook for posting breastfeeding photos. Emma Kwasnica, a mother of three, was suspended in January after posting over 200 photos of herself breastfeeding.

A Facebook representative told the Huffington Post:

?We agree that breastfeeding is natural and we are very glad to know that it is important for mothers, including the many mothers who work at Facebook, to share their experience with others on the site. The vast majority of breastfeeding photos are compliant with our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities and Facebook takes no action on such content. However, photos which contain a fully exposed breast, do violate our terms and may be removed if they are reported to us.?

Aftter Kwasnica spoke with Facebook and felt the issue hadn?t been fixed, she organized a protest outside of the company?s headquarters in Menlo Park, California. Over 60 mothers and their babies gathered at the headquarters to convince the social networking site that breastfeeding photos were not obscene.

While Crosley-Corcoran isn?t planning to fight Facebook offline, she is plotting her revenge. She is encouraging readers to join her in protesting by posting breastfeeding photos on their Facebook pages. She wrote on her blog:

?Share this far and wide. Grab that picture and upload/share it to your OWN facebook [sic] page in protest? Tell facebook [sic] they?re not even following their OWN rules about breastfeeding photos.?

Crosley-Corcoran is also planning to ?flood? Facebook with as many breastfeeding photos as possible over 72 hours. She wrote on her blog that her mission was to normalize breastfeeding on Facebook.

Gina Crosley-Corcoran banned from Facebook

Do you think Gina Crosley-Corcoran?s photo was inappropriate, and should her Facebook account have been suspended?


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