I've personally been discriminated against on many different levels, as a child I was considered to be completely stupid because I was homeschooled and black. The child who told me that got punched in the face, which really added fuel to the fire, but being six and all, I was unaware of that fact. That boy would probably choke on air if he saw me today, because I am not stupid, and I don't let the shade of my skin define who or what I am. As of now, I get discriminated against for minor things every day. I don't party, therefore I am not cool. I don't date any which person I feel like, therefore I am not worth the time of day. I listen to my parents, therefore I am square. I don't wear skirts and short shorts and tank tops that show off everything, therefore I'm butch. I'd rather sit inside and read a 420 page book than watch Disney or MTV, therefore I'm a nerd.
I get labeled with everything. And at this point it just rolls off my back. I've grown to learn that you cannot expect people to think of you the way you think of yourself, without bluntly showing them who and what you are. And even then, they probably won't look at you any different. Man is a very prideful, self-asborbed, uppity race. We thrive on the thoughts of others, and how we look, and who we are better than. That is the base of discrimination. The belief that someone has to be better.
As far as homeschooling goes, I have been homeschooled my entire life. Up until I was in middle school, my parents did it from books at Barnes & Noble. And then I was switched over to an online public school system. I have a great pride in being schooled the way I am. I'm not sure what your experiences are, Izoi, but it is much less strained than a brick-and-mortar school. At the same time, it is the same interaction with my peers that I would get in a brick-and-mortar school. There are still the cliques, those who buddy up in class, the name calling, baiting, bullying- It's still the same. But after high school, when I get my GED, I will look just as good on paper as anyone else. There are so many people of so many different races, and religions, and orientations that nobody really cares, there. In other schools, there is violence because someone is gay. Or because someone looks different. I don't have that.
The best solution to understanding and overcoming something like discrimination, is to look at what you discriminate against. Do you think certain women are trashy because of the way they dress? Do you think some people are, less worthy of others' attention because of their social status? We all discriminate against something, consciously or not, and before we can judge the speck in another's eye, we must cast out the beams in our own.
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/o87X5BMwW88/viewtopic.php
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